Want to be our next Fulbright NY Alumnus-in-Residence?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our Fulbright Alumnus-in-Residence program (FAIR). For more information on applying, see the Call for Proposals and application form below. The deadline for our 2018 FAIR has passed. The next deadline is February 15, 2018 for our 2019 FAIR.

Q: What field do I have to be in to apply?

A: We encourage applications from all fields and industries (science, technology, business, education, arts, etc.).  


Q: I’m applying for the Fulbright NY Fulbright Alumnus-in-Residence (FAIR) program. What can I expect from the chapter?

A: We will provide each awardee with a flexible, individualized program of advisory support and partner with them to determine how our support can best work to help them achieve their goals. Support includes but is not limited to:

  • planning and advice

  • promotion or community outreach

  • grant review

  • event management

  • network building

  • fundraising campaign support and fiscal oversight

  • access to Fulbright’s RocketHub crowdfunding platform, which will be featured by the national Fulbright network

  • sponsorship in the form of using the Greater New York Chapter of the Fulbright Association as an umbrella for grantwriting and development

The Board of the Greater New York Chapter of the Fulbright Association commits to providing a total of 6 hours of support per month for the duration of the award (12 months) amounting to thousands of dollars of in-kind support.


Q: If I get selected, what are my responsibilities?

A: As a Fulbright NY Alumnus-in-Residence, your responsibilities are the following:

  • Serve as an honorary board member, attending all board meetings for the duration of the residency (an average of 4 meetings per year) or participating by conference call.

  • Provide a total of 6 hours of support for the next/incoming awardee, working with the awardee or the Board to determine the kind of support that is most appropriate.

  • Collaborate with the Board to create 1-3 events that involve you and your project and help promote these events within your networks during the duration of the residency.


Q: What are the details for creating and organizing the events that involve me and my project?

A: You  are expected to collaborate with the Board to create and promote 1-3 events during the duration of your residency. These events should be in line with both your project’s theme/objectives as well as our chapter’s programs (panels, socials, salons, workshops, etc). For example, you can suggest a panel, salon, social or workshop that revolves around your theme. We also suggest that at least one event integrates your project into our Global Curriculum Toolkit program. For an idea of what our NY Chapter does and how you can fit your ideas into our programs, please read this overview of past events and programs: http://www.fulbrightny.org/events/

The suggested events will be agreed upon by both you and the NY Chapter Board, and the NY Chapter Board will assist you in organizing the agreed-upon events by providing the following: marketing assistance (email blasts to our NY Chapter mailing list and posts to our New York Fulbrighters Facebook group), event management (RSVP management, venue coordination), and access to our Fulbright community on a local and international level.


Q: What do you mean by theme?

A: Choose an overarching ‘theme’ that encompasses your project and objectives that is also in line with the Fulbright Association’s mission of cultural understanding and international development. For example, in 2013-2014 our theme was “Resilience” and events were programmed with this idea of community resilience in mind. We held several events that revolved around resilience, including the following:

  • Panel: Filming Outside Your Turf (Case Studies on Resilience) - Nov 18, 2013 (this panel was co-sponsored by Fulbright NY as part of the prestigious DOC NYC Festival and 2 of 3 panelists were Fulbright filmmakers)

  • Resilience Tour crowdfunded campaign launch - Oct-Nov, 2013

  • Women in Tech: The Role of Mobiles & Mapping Toward Resilience & Recovery - Dec 3, 2013 (featured women in the mobile and mapping fields focused on crisis response and resilience-building)


Q: What are some of the logistics regarding panels or other events (i.e. location, attendees, topics)?

A: For our panels, we typically utilize event space at universities in NYC.  Our average attendance at these events is 50 people consisting of Fulbright alumni, current Fulbrighters, and general public.  Some examples of FAIR panel topics that we have had are as follows:

  • The Role of Art in Resilience

  • Creative Solutions in Conflict Resolution

  • Women in Tech: Quantifying the Impact of the Arts Through Big Data


Q: Do I have to do a crowdfunded campaign on RocketHub?

A: No, you do not have to do a crowdfunded campaign on RocketHub, though we offer access to the Fulbright hub on RocketHub (fulbright.rockethub.com) and fiscal oversight of the campaign. Because we offer fiscal oversight, campaign donations will be tax-deductible under the Fulbright Association’s 501c3 status. Running a campaign is optional, so if you don’t wish to run one, that is also fine. If you already have a preferred crowdfunding platform that you use and would like to run a campaign on that platform, you can do that as well, but our Chapter cannot offer fiscal oversight on it. We can, however, help to promote it through Fulbright NY channels (our NY Chapter mailing list and New York Fulbrighters Facebook group).


Q: Do you offer grantwriting assistance?

A: While we cannot offer grantwriting assistance, we can review your grant application and suggest edits. If selected as a Fulbright NY Alumnus-in-Residence, you may also use the title “Fulbright NY Alumnus-in-Residence” in your grant verbiage and this can be backed up with a letter from our Board that you can include in your grant application if necessary.